Rules and Regulations


  1. The college working time is from 8.30 am to 1.45 pm. Students should report to the college on time and occupy the seats in their respective class rooms before the arrival of the faculty.


  1. Students are expected to dress modestly. Boys should wear formal shirts and pants. T-Shirts are banned in the campus. Girls are permitted to wear formal Salwar-Kameez .Miniskirts, Flimsy clothes, Sleeveless dress etc. Will not be allowed.


  1. The students have to present themselves with their ID cards whenever they are in the campus, during the entire course of study.


  1. Any requisition or letter written by the students to the Principal should be counter signed by the HOD/Class Teacher.


  1. In the case of absence, parent/guardian should intimate to the concerned CLASS TEACHER, the reasons for leave. Leave for more than three consecutive days should be backed by a medical certificate.


  1. All sorts of political activities, and other activities of student’s organizations supported by political parties are banned in this college campus.
  1. Be courteous and respectful to others, avoid disrupting the academic environment and not maliciously injure the reputation of another student, faculty or staff member.


  1. Students are forbidden from writing, scribbling or painting on the walls, desks, benches



  1. Smoking in and around the campus, damaging furniture, defacing the walls, repeated absence from the class without leave, misbehavior in the class will be considered as serious offences.
  2. Students found guilty of damaging, destroying College property will have to bear the cost of repair or replacement of the damaged materials


  1. Use of alcohol, drugs, tobacco or any intoxicating or addictive substance is prohibited.


  1. Ragging is an offence. Any student found guilty of ragging will be dismissed from the College.


  1. No meeting or function of any kind shall be held without the sanction of the principal.


  1. The use of mobile phones by the students in the class room and laboratory is strictly prohibited as per the rules of Mahatma Gandhi University.


  1. The Principal or other constituted college authority may frame and issue from time to time disciplinary rules of permanent or temporary nature regulating the conduct of students within the college campus, in so far as such rules seem necessary:


  1. a) To secure the observance of the above rules, and
  2. b) To maintain the reputation of the college.


  1. The Principal shall be the final authority in the interpretation/decision of the college rules.