College Council Members

For the smooth functioning of the college and academic of the students a number of activities have been identified. Following are the teachers in charge of various activities for the academic year 2024-25.


Senior Assistant Superintendent

Mr. Amithkumar J Prabhu


CAP nodal officer

Ms. Sindhu S


FYUGP Nodal Officer

Ms Parul V Mehta


College Academic Council

1. Principal


2. Ms. Parul V Mehta

(Vice Principal)

3. Mr. AmithkumarJ Prabhu

(HOD - Dept. of Management Studies)


4. Ms. Sanam S

(HOD – Dept. of Computer Applications)

5. Mr. SunilKumar B Mallya(HOD - Dept. of Commerce)

6.Sindhu S

(Senior faculty- Dept.of Management Studies)

7. Rasmi K P (Council Secretary)

(Senior faculty – Dept. of Computer Applications)



Academic Council Secretary

Ms. Rasmi K P

6. Staff Secretary Ms. Sindhu S
7. IQAC Coordinator Mr. Sunilkumar B Mallya
8. PTA Coordinator

Mr. Vasanthakumar K P



Website & System maintenance in charge


Ms Aryalakshmi K A (Coordinator)

Ms. Sanam S

Ms Anila Agip

Mr. Amithkumar J Prabhu

10.  Internal Committee for Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal of General Harassment of women at workplace Principal, Vice Principal, Staff Secretary

External Member Ms. Falguni

Ms. Kala Balan (Office Suptd.)

Ms. Anila Agip & Ms. Anitha R

11. Students Grievance Cell
Principal, Vice Principal, All HODs
Ms. Rasmi K P
Ms. Silliya Stanly
Ms. Christabel C P

Ms. Livia Lilly Walter


Placement Cell & Career Guidance


Ananthakrishnan K P (Placement Officer)

Ms. Krishnapriya K K

Ms. Aryalakshmi K A

Ms. Silliya Stanly


Alumni Incharge

Ms. Parul V Mehta

Ms Sanam S (Coordinator)

Ms Sindhu S


Anti Ragging Cell

Mr. Sunilkumar B Mallya

Ms. Anitha R (Convener)

Ms. Vidhya R

Ms Aarya S


15.  Faculty in charge of internal Exams and assessment Mr. Vidhya R (coordinator)
Ms. Vasanthkumar K P
Ms. Vishnupriya M
16.  Women’s Cell Ms. Anila Agip (Coordinator)
Ms. Vasanthkumar K P
Ms. Vishnupriya M


Arts and Cultural Committee

Ms. Parul V Mehta (Coordinator)

Mr. Amithkumar J Prabhu

Ms. Aryalakshmi K A


Ms. Livia Lilly Walter

18.  Lehari Vimukta Club and Yodhav Mr. Sunilkumar B Mallya (Coordinator)
Mr. Ananthakrishan K P
19.  Advisor and Sports in charge Ms. Parul V Mehta (Coordinator)
Mr. Sunilkumar B Mallya
Mr. Amithkumar J Prabhu
Mr. Ananthakrishnan K P
Ms. Sanam S
20.  Staff Advisor to students Ms. Sindhu S


Vigilance Cell for Girls

Ms. Silliya Stanly

Ms Jisha C S

Ms Veena R Naik (Coordinator)


Ms Parvathi Meenakshi L

22.  Outreach Incharge Ms Krishnapriya K K
Mr. Vasanthakumar K P
23.  DSS Incharge Ms Silliya Stanly
Mr. Vasanthakumar K P
24.  Research Committee Ms Silliya Stanly (Coordinator)
Ms Sindhu S
Ms Aryalakshmi K A
Mr. Ananthakrishnan K P
Ms. Sanam S
25.  Event Management/Poster Design /approval committee Ms. Aryalakshmi (Coordinator)
Ms. Parul V Mehta
Mr. Sunilkumar Mallya B
Mr. Amithkumar J Prabhu
Ms. Sanam S
Ms. Vishnupriya M

Committee members are instructed to take appropriate action whenever it is needed.


Note: In case of any complaints you may please contact ph: 0484-2211312 or 0484-2224246, Mob: +91 7012581717 and Mail ID: